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"I have found the Meditation to Rewire Your Brain course to be the most beneficial step I have ever taken to manage my stress and anxiety levels. After doing the meditations for a whole month, I feel truly astonished by how I feel today as opposed to last month. I can’t thank you enough."
- Course Student

Naianna Robertsson

BSc (Hons) Psychology

MSc (Hons) Neuroscience

PhDc in Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging

CPD Accredited Meditation & Mindfulness coach

Naianna is a mum of two, neuroscientist and meditation and mindfulness teacher. As a researcher and educator, she is driven by the conviction that each of us has the potential to rewire the brain to unlock its unlimited potential and intensify focus, manage stress and anxiety, improve resilience, self-awareness and emotional intelligence.


She combines cutting-edge neuroscience knowledge with mindfulness, meditation and breathwork to create a unique technique that has the potential to change key structures of your brain and prime you for success. She uses a compassionate and encouraging approach to inspire a new way of living.


Naianna holds a Bachelors in Psychology, a Masters in Neuroscience and is a PhDc in Neuroanatomy and Neuroimaging from King's College London. She is also a certified Meditation and Mindfulness instructor.







The Neurocompatible Meditation to Rewire Your Brain Course was designed to transform your life by changing the way that your brain is wired. 
By combining the three powerful techniques of Meditation, Mindfulness and Visualisation you will start to tap into the limitless potential of your mind to unlock and expand your brain’s potential to achieve greatness, decrease stress, increase emotional regulation, improve resilience, drive, fluid intelligence, focus and experience a calmer way of living.


Based on cutting-edge neuroscience research, each technique has been proven to change different areas of your brain, when combined, they become your secret weapon for life success, as they hold the ability to evoke remarkable neuroplasticity changes (your brain's ability to change itself and to crease new brain cells via neurogenesis) that will result in a happier, more energised, less stressed, and an all-round more enhanced version of you.


Scientifically proven ways that meditation can transform your life

Happy Man


By increasing your awareness of the present moment, meditation helps regulate moods and emotions, helping us become more resilient during stressful situations. You can make every moment your best with meditation. 

Girl Relaxing


Meditation naturally beats depression by boosting the production of your feel-good brain chemicals such as dopamine and seratonin and retraining your brain to control negative ruminating thoughts.  

Stone Water Fountain


Nobel Prize winner Elizabeth Blackburn has found that meditation increases the length of your DNA telomeres (which naturally shrink as we age), reversing your biological age from the inside. Meditation also keeps your body's natural inner pharmacy well stocked up, by boosting the production of neuro chemicals that help the brain fight off dementia. A true fountain of youth?!

On Her Laptop

Meditation increases your mental capacity, focus and drive as your body and mind are no longer running on background stress. Companies like Google and Golden Sachs now offer meditation to their employees as a direct tool to increase work productivity. 

Red Chili Pods


Cortisol is cumulative, meaning, you can't just make it disappear from your body when you get home from work in the evening. Too much stress can decrease sex drive. Meditation keeps stress levels in check, thus increasing satisfaction, whilst also making your senses blaze! Plus, if you're trying to conceive, meditation makes the body less acidic, which increases fertility.



Meditation massively improves your sleep quality, helping you get deeper and more restful sleep, it can even boost your melatonin production. There are also powerful meditation techniques that work wonders if you're struggling with sleep deprivation from insomnia or from the early days of parenthood which are 3x more powerful than taking a nap (without the sleep hangover!).



The JAMA Journal of International Medicine has reported that as much as 90% of doctor visits are for stress-related illnesses. A frequent meditation practice has the power to turn on, like a light switch, immune-linked brain regions and other powerful antibody responses that have the ability to fight off disease.  

The young and conceptual image of a larg


Neuroscience research has shown that more than 70% of how we spend our days is based on repetitive and learned behaviour, we spend most of our lives on auto-pilot. By tapping into deeper layers of your consciousness, meditation helps you achieve a new level of mind mastery; including enhanced creativity, emotional intelligence and memory retention. It's not a stretch to say that meditation is the world's very best deep mind training technique. 



Stressed Man

Stress makes you dumb

It's clinically proven that stress quite literally makes you stupid. Stress can measurably shrink your brain and impair your memory.

I am on sick leave sign on the workplace

Stress causes disease

When you're body is producing too much stress hormones (cortisol, adrenaline), your immune system takes the back seat and your ability to naturally fight off disease is significantly lowered. 

Pile of Pills

Stress increases addiction

Several studies have shown that stress significantly increases your vulnerability to addictions of all kinds and your chances of relapse due to ineffective coping strategies. 


Meditation is incredible for you.
But just like different sports can enhance different parts of your body, different types of meditation have distinctive effects on different parts of your brain. So much so that scientists have suggested that different types of meditation should be recommended according to what areas of your life need improving.


But here's the good news: we've done the ground work for you, and through years of research, neuroscience and meditation expertise, we've created a unique and powerful combination of brain-enhancing techniques, unlike anything you've seen or tried before, with the ability to change key parts of your brain resulting in an overall elevated brain performance. 


Dive into the evidence below!

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Image by Daniel Öberg


Meditation is a precise technique for resting the mind and attaining a state of consciousness that is totally different from our usual fast-pace and high alert waking state. Meditation lights up your entire brain during brain scans, which frees your brain up from present, future and past stress whilst also enhancing your immune system and your body's cellular ability to self-repair. 

Furthermore, the Neurocompatible Technique will teach you the combination of two powerful meditations; Non-directed meditation and Metta, that further enhance the areas of your brain responsible for creativity as well as compassion and emotional intelligence.  


Image by Carlos de Miguel


Mindfulness enhances your ability of staying conscious and aware of the present moment, observing your thoughts without engaging in negative and ruminative thinking spirals. Mindfulness activates and enhances your prefrontal cortex (the CEO of your brain, responsible for clear, logical and rational thinking). Connectional brain anatomy research has also shown that mindfulness strengthens the connection between the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala (the 'stress centre' of your brain), thus down-regulating your stress levels and permanently changing how you respond to it (as long as you carry on practicing it!).

Image by Chris Henry



Visualisation is the simple but powerful act of creating a clear 'vision board' of the things you want to achieve in life. Simply put, the brain has the same activity when it visualises doing an action as it does when it is physically performing the action. 

By using visualisations daily, your brain will more readily allow your visualisations to meet your goals into your conscious awareness. So your brain encodes it as something that has, in a way, "already happened", thus taking away the 'novelty' effect, and all the fear, anxiety, procrastination patterns and self-doubts that are standing in the way of you actually achieving your goals. 



10 Reasons Why You Don't Meditate

There's a whole lot of misinformation floating about around meditation which might be preventing you from trying it (or from sticking to it). Let's debunk them. 


1. "I can't focus long enough or clear my mind" - Imagine you are trying to do some work, and suddenly some music starts playing next door. You can hear it loudly, but you can’t do anything about it, so you try to “stop hearing” it. The more you try to stop hearing it, the louder and more distracting it seems. However, if you make an effort to focus your mind on something else, you will eventually find that you forgot all about the music.


There is no fight, no repressing, and no forcefulness about meditation. Fighting with your thoughts will simply strengthen them and lead you to an agitated state. You don't have to 'clear your mind' with the MTRYB course. Thoughts are welcome and they are an integral part of the meditation process. 


2. "Meditation is just a trendy fad" - Nope. People from all walks of life and from all over the world have been meditating for centuries. The point of meditation is to take control of our most precious tool: our mind. The powerful and lasting impact of meditation in your life isn't a fad, and you don't need to practice for a long time to begin to notice it. 


3. "I don't want to sit for hours like Buddhist monks": You don't have to. Meditation has incredible benefits at every level, from beginners to guru. The Neurocompatible Technique isn't about sitting in lotus position for hours on end. All you need is 15 min of your time twice a day and that's it (in any comfortable position you like, not cross-legged, I may add!). Studies have shown that as little as 15 min a day for a week can show significant differences in your brain, and even as little as 3 days can reverse negative effects in your DNA cells.


4. You think meditation is a religious practice. It isn't. Many people may be put off by meditation’s association with religion or spirituality. It is indeed an ancient practice which is practiced in religious contexts, but there is nothing inherently religious about it in the way we teach it. Equally, there is thousands, if not millions of Christians, priests and rabbis who meditate.The Brain Edit technique is a straight-forward scientific method to enhance and improve your brain, there's nothing else to it. 


5. "I don't want to chant in strange languages or make unknown sounds". No chanting in any language or humming any sounds here. Meditation is your own quiet practice. 


6. "I don't have time to meditate" - Think of all the time you spend scrolling aimlessly on Facebook or Instagram or binge-watching Netflix. After you take the MTRYB course, you will teach your brain to increase productivity so you find more time and more meaning in your life. You dedicate less than 2% of your day to remarkably improve the remaining 98% of it. As this famous Gandhi quote says: "I have so much to accomplish today that I must meditate for two hours instead of one.” 


7. "Meditation is boring"Meditation might feel boring to some people, but what they don’t realise is that their experience is almost entirely dependent on the attitude they bring to meditation. Here’s a quick refresher on brain chemistry: Dopamine, the “pleasure chemical” of the brain, is released when we engage in pleasurable activities like sex, eating good food, watching or playing sports, earning money, listening to music... and when we meditate. The key is to have an open minded approach to it, with an optimistic attitude. 


8. "Meditation is escapism" - Some believe that meditation is escaping your current reality and attempting to leave your problems behind. Wrong. Meditation is not running away from your problems, it will take you to a place that is deeper than your problems, with the opportunity to process them and eventually achieve clarity and positive solutions, as your stress is no longer your brain's default fuel type. Meditation is the deepest form of self-realisation. 


9: You tried before and hated it - This is one of my favourite myths to bust. There are many types of meditation techniques out there, most apps and online downloadable options are often a form of mindfulness, which is only one third of The Brain Edit Technique. Besides, most previous haters that come to our course often realise that they hadn't found a technique suitable for them yet. Our powerful and unique technique combining specific forms of meditation, mindfulness and visualisation was designed to invigorate you in a completely new way that isn't comparable to anything you've experienced before. 


10: You think it's too difficult to commit to a daily practice - I hear you. This can certainly be true if you have young children and a full-time job, and all that these entail.  But here's the thing; meditation doesn’t stop you from getting stuff done. It helps you be more present and more interested and efficient in all the things that you have to do. Adding meditation into your daily practice is all about creating a new healthy habit, which can certainly be difficult at first, but thankfully, our course will teach you how to do it with the use of neuroscience.  


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